Write For Us

Thank you for your interest in contributing to NewYork CBD Oil Magazine! We welcome talented writers, industry experts, and CBD enthusiasts to share their knowledge and perspectives with our readers. If you have a passion for CBD and would like to contribute to our online magazine, we invite you to write for us.

What We’re Looking For:

  1. Expertise: We value well-researched and informative articles that provide valuable insights into the world of CBD. If you have expertise in CBD oil, its benefits, usage, or related topics, we encourage you to share your knowledge with our audience.
  2. Unique Perspectives: We appreciate fresh perspectives and unique experiences that shed light on the CBD industry. Whether you have a personal story to share, an innovative approach, or an opinion piece, we welcome diverse viewpoints that contribute to the conversation.
  3. High-Quality Writing: We seek articles that are well-written, engaging, and accessible to a wide range of readers. Clear and concise writing, proper grammar and spelling, and well-structured content are essential for a successful submission.

Content Guidelines:

  1. Originality: All submissions must be original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. We encourage you to share your unique insights and experiences.
  2. Length: Articles should typically be between 800 and 1,500 words. However, we value quality over quantity, so focus on providing valuable information rather than adhering strictly to word count.
  3. Accuracy: We prioritize accuracy and fact-checking. Please ensure that your information is reliable, up-to-date, and supported by credible sources. If you make claims about CBD’s benefits or scientific studies, please provide references.
  4. Tone: Our tone is informative, friendly, and inclusive. We aim to provide content that is accessible to readers with various levels of CBD knowledge. Avoid excessive jargon and aim for a conversational tone.
  5. Formatting: Please submit your article in a Microsoft Word document or Google Docs format. Use subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to enhance readability. Include any relevant images or charts as separate files, with proper attribution if necessary.

How to Submit:

If you would like to write for NewYork CBD Oil Magazine, please follow these submission guidelines:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Write for NewYork CBD Oil Magazine.”
  2. Introduce yourself briefly and provide a brief overview of your proposed article. If you have a writing sample or a portfolio, feel free to include it as well.
  3. If your proposed topic aligns with our content goals, we will provide you with further instructions for submitting your full article.
  4. Once your article is received, our editorial team will review it for quality, accuracy, and fit with our magazine’s style and audience. We may suggest edits or revisions to ensure the best possible outcome.

Please note that we receive a high volume of submissions, and while we make an effort to respond to all inquiries, we may not be able to do so in every case. If your submission is accepted, we will notify you and provide an estimated publication date.

Join the NewYork CBD Oil Magazine Community:

Writing for NewYork CBD Oil Magazine is an opportunity to contribute to a growing community of CBD enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and industry professionals. Share your knowledge, insights, and experiences, and help us empower our readers with accurate and valuable information about CBD oil.

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring the possibility of working together to create exceptional content for NewYork CBD Oil Magazine!